• Votes


    Enhacing Gitlab Integration introducing "create pipeline" task

    Hello, Today in Digital.ai Release , the Gitlab plugin allows the initation of CI pipeline using the Trigger Pipeline task. Additionally, the Gitlab API also enable the ...
  • Votes


    Selective archiving of any completed release.

    Right now archiving of the completed release is based on elapsed time that is set after which the completed release is automatically archived. In order to clean up the ...
  • Votes


    filter release by template

    In a template or Releases field, add a filter release by template. List all release created by a template
  • Not Planned


    task core/Create Release - Wait for subRelease staus

    In the task Core/ Create Release add an option 'Wait for subRelease staus' which wait the satus of the subrelease is completed. and /or another task which 'Wait for ...
  • Votes


    Show foldername in "Create release" task in Release

    We encounter a discomfort using Release. If a developer is creating a new template with a "Create Release" task, he/she has to enter the template to use for the new ...
  • Planned


    Add task 'scan Multibranch' to jenkins plugins on Release.

    Added a Release task for the Jenkins plugin for scan multibranch. This is to triggrer the build job without the branch name but this logs are Jobbuildname/indexing
  • Votes


    [Release] Add 2 fields Wait interval and Max retries on Sync ...

    I propose enhacing the ArgoCD plugin in Digital.ai Release by introducing two new configuration fields "maxRetries" and "waitInterval". These additions would empower ...
  • Planned



    For an OPS who uses digital.ai release it is important to have a task to revert a commit on his gitlab. can you please add it to the plugin ?
  • Planned


    DevOps - Release Bitbucket Plugin - Allow Task to specify either ...

    We want to use the PAT (aka, Token) option on a BitBucket server, but we want the users of the release to authenticate within the task that uses the server connection. ...
  • Votes


    Documentation by task

    When creating a template, adding a Jython script task, it would be nice to have a help icon on the task editor, that would take you to the documentation for the task ...
  • Planned


    allow lock mechanism at udm.Application level

    Hello Currently, the lock plugin allows to do block parellel deployments for a specific udm.Environment, a container and udm.DeployedApplication. It would be great to ...
  • Votes


    Ansible script file in GitHub should be accessible directly within ...

    In the Ansible Playbook task, the script location is expected to be on an Ansible server or allowed to be written directly within the task. I am asking for these Ansible ...
  • Votes


    Extend UI to enable chatbot

    Looking to extend the chatbot for release product something like "ASK ME" to integrate with some AI capabilities.
  • Votes


    Add wait for release option to Create Release Task

    It would be very useful to have an option in the Create Release task to wait for the release it created to finish, something similar to the option of starting the release ...
  • Votes


    Notify all users in a group

    When a task is assigned to a group, everyone in that group should receive a notification (Task exemple : CORE:Gate).
  • Planned


    Add option to the release screen ato go to the source template (that ...

    When I run a release, and encounters with a problem, usually I have to open the related template. It shoud be easier if we have a short 'open template" button somewhere ...
  • Planned


    Update Azure DevOps plugin

    Azure DevOps plugin is in need of a refresh. Specifically it would be good to be able to send parameter values to ADO using the queue build task rather than just ...
  • Planned


    See who completed the task

    In Digital Release, when a task is assigned to a group, we would like to see in the release flow which person took and completed a task. The team will immediately see ...
  • Planned


    Drag and drop functionality in Release

    Hi Digital.ai, The Deploy GUI supports drag and drop functionality of directories. Release does not support this functionality for folders. For example, in Deploy, when ...
  • Votes


    Add script parameters to Database plugin

    The current database plugins allows to add extra sqlClient options via additionalOptions property. But some programs like Oracle sqlPlus support passing of script ...