Digital.AI Release currently doesn't support Oracle Exadata Databases. It would be good to have Oracle Exadata supported for Digital.AI Release to obtain high availability.


  • Thank you for your inquiry. The absence of official support is due to a lack of testing infrastructure on our end. While we believe it should work, it hasn't been officially verified. We will reach out to Oracle to evaluate the feasibility of conducting tests.

  • As you mentioned "believe it should work". Does continue to provide support to the product, should we decide to use the Release product with exadata.

  • Thank you for your comment. will continue to support the Release product per our applicable support and maintenance terms. This includes compatibility with third party products such as Oracle databases as described in our Documentation ( but does not include support for optional Oracle Database features or computing platforms like Oracle Exadata. Support for Oracle Exadata is not planned for inclusion in our product roadmap.