When on the taskboard, especially for a large team for a project with a 3-week sprint, there can be a LOT of BIs with many tasks on the taskboard. (Same with testboard.) We make use of the “Highlight Owner” feature quite a bit, but it can still be a little tough sorting through the visual noise of too many BIs/tasks. An idea would be to not just “highlight owner” but also “filter by owner”, so if that option is selected, only the BIs that are owned (or who have tasks that are owned) by the selected owner show on the task/testboard.


  • I agree; while I'd like to see even more filtering available on task/testboards (Workitem, Status, Project, etc.), filtering by owner would probably be my top priority.

  • I think this would be a GREAT improvement to the taskboard. When we are doing our standups, we have to scroll through many stories that do not contain any tasks for the highlighted Owner.

  • I agree. With many tasks on the board - filtering by owner should remove all the tasks that are not owned by a chosen owner. Currently, all the tasks for the backlog item that contains a task with a chosen owner are displayed.

  • Totally agree - in standups, there is no practical way to filter the tasks by owner to update based on what that owner is saying, and time is wasted scrolling through the sprint/board to find the task. You can ctrl+F and find the story ID, but not the task ID, and dev teams work on tasks not stories.

  • Currently when you select a member in the taskboard, it filters the backlog stories the member is assigned to. It would be great to also filter the tasks / tests as suggested by OP. We don't need a separate Filter by Owner. Just add on to the existing Filter by Member feature.

  • I agree. It's hard to quickly report on tasks/tests a person is working on when there are so many other tasks/tests also showing.

  • This is one of the major challenge we face while filtering our task from the backlogs created with template feature.

  • Thank you all for your valuable input. I am happy to announce that the new filters have arrived.

    You can now pick one or multiple Owners to filter any applicable grid or board.

    Please check it out and keep the good ideas coming.