We often have multiple owners for (as many as 6 or 8) for a story. The current widget makes multi-selecting owners difficult. I'd like the ability to filter as I type and, perhaps checkboxes for multiple owners rather than ctrl-clicking with the mouse


  • Why do you have 6-8 owners for a story? We normally have a customer/PO and 1-2 owners.

  • During the Scrum commitment exercise, it is convenient to add two or three developers, a test person or two and a doc person to each story as owners. The Version One UI makes it cumbersone for commitment to work any other way.

    There are two interaction issues with the drop down box: First, selecting multiple users is a pain and second, we have 100+ people on the project so scrolling through all those names is difficult. If that list were filtered to only those names on the team assiged to the story, that would help the second issue.

  • Ok... this leads to more questions... let's go to level 2 of the 5 why's. ;)

    Why are there 100+ people on the project (sounds like a wierd config/implementation)? Why not use teams and assign to the team.

    Why do you pre-assign names during planning? Shouldn't people be pulling the story when ready and self-assigning? If you assigned to the team... then owners could use the sign me up feature to assign to them when ready.

    I'm guessing you are unique in your problem within the user community (to the level of complexity/quantity you have).

  • Hi, Kevin -

    I'm open to ideas to use Version One more successfully.

    We have 100+ people on the project broken into 9 teams. All of our stories are assigned to teams and each team has around 20-40 stories (we break our stories into fine granularity). Reading between the lines: should the "owners" drop-down for a particular story only contain the team members for the team to which the story is assigned? That's not happening in Version One now; every story's owner drop-down contains all 100+ team member's name.

    During kick-offs, we don't assign members to a story. During our Commitment phase of the kick-off, all team members look at the same Version One screen (either through LiveMeeting or projected on the wall) and nominate themselves to work on a story. The facilitator adds the individual as an owner of the story. This helps keep everyone in the kick-off on the same page. The exercise doesn't take long but it is cumbersome given the owner drop-downs widget and the number of names in that drop-down.

    If this is a config problem with how we've set up V1, I'd be very happy. I'll be even happier if I knew how to fix it :)

  • In your original idea you said - "We often have multiple owners for (as many as 6 or 8) for a story."

    But based on this recent comment, you only have 1 owner for the story. I'm a little lost because your recent description makes sense to me.

    I now understand the 100 person part...you have a 9 team scrum of scrums.

    I'm not sure we can resolve this here, do you want to email me for further talks? kschlab [at] gmail [dot] com ... you could also try to get a quick email into someone at V1.