When filtering, I as a user or administrator would like more control over what to filter on by using operators like ands, ors, and nots. (I would like this ability when filtering on all custom fields as well.)

For example, I'd like to see work items for two different owners, sprints, feature groups, or statuses simultaneously. In my daily stand-up meetings, I am currently covering two feature groups. It's less intrusive to show all of the work items at once, rather than fumbling with drop-downs and waiting for data to load. In some meetings, we may show defects of severity 1 or 2, but not 3 or 4.

Sometimes, I'd like to see all work items except for the ones that are of the status "Done"... it would be nice in such cases to be able to filter on everything that is *not* Done. This is preferable to going in and clicking checkboxes for every single status except for Done.


  • I would like the ability to see a Product Planning view that is filtered to show only those backlog items that are assigned to 3 different teams.

  • It would be extremely useful if I could filter by more than one sprint (for example, filtering by the current and the recently closed sprints).

  • Upvote. It makes absolute sense to search for "Not Done" work items. Please implement!

  • I would like to be able filter by more than one epic that may be related but not connected.

  • Thank you all for your valuable feedback. I agree with you that this idea has a high value and that it is long overdue. I am happy to report that we are currently in the discovery phase for this feature and expect to deliver it this year.

    Synthesizing the feedback you provided and analyzing the users' needs, we decided to replace our current filtering with a new, more powerful way to filter. This new filtering feature will allow you to select multiple values (i.e. priority=medium,high, two owners, or three different epics), use *any* field/attribute in the system and finally select different operations where appropriate (i.e. not equals, less/greater than, between, contains, in addition to equals). The first release will not contain ability to save these filters, but it is something we might iterate on in the future.

  • I would like to filter on date ranges.

  • We are currently in final discovery phases for this feature and we would love to get your input on some of the pieces.
    If anyone is interested in spending 10-15 minutes with us reviewing the final pieces please email me at ira.dennis@versionone.com to setup a user testing session.

    We are eager to hear from you. Thanks!

  • Thank you all for your valuable input. I am happy to announce that the new filters have arrived.

    In addition to allowing you to pick any applicable field to filter by, you can also select more than one value. This means that the examples given in the idea are easy to select (i.e. 2 Feature Groups, 3 Owners, only High and Critical Priorities or a mix-and-match selection of Statuses). Additionally, date and number fields support "<" and ">", in addition to "=".

    Please check it out and keep the good ideas coming.