I've researched and played around with the Version One program boards quite a bit. There is one enhancement that would make the Program Board more valuable. Here is an example of the behavior along with a suggestion: bli 1 linked to Feature 1 from team A is scheduled in sprint 1 and has a downstream dependency to bli 2 linked to Feature 2 from team b that is scheduled in sprint 2.

Version One displays this as I'd expect with a red line showing Team A that they have a dependancy to a bli in sprint 2 and therefore need to get bli done in sprint 1.

But when I add a bli 3 linked to Feature 2 from team b scheduled in sprint 3, it no longer shows the dependency between bli 1 and bli 2. (the red dependency link no longer shows). It shows a dependency between bli 1 to the feature 2 in sprint 3.

But this removes the visibility to the dependency of bli 1 to complete so that bli 2 can be worked on in sprint 2. I realize that the Version One behavior is only to show the last bli for that team for that feature. But the teams can no longer use this to track all their dependencies. Therefore, our teams are creating excel worksheets to track dependencies which is not desirable especially since all this information is in the tool. My suggestion is to show all dependencies. If this view is too confusing for some users, have an checkbox option to show this level of detail for those that want it. But keep the current view as the default view.


  • Agreed. The tool should show all dependencies and not hide any. If the view needs to be uncluttered, make some filter options available.

  • The Dependency Board allows you to see dependencies between Portfolio Items or dependencies between Backlog Items. You can choose to view these dependencies by Date or by Sprint/Iteration. See the release notes for additional details https://community.versionone.com/Release-Notes-and-Downloads/Winter_2020_Release_Notes