The story board allows items to be dragged from one column to the next. Rows (swim lanes) should behave the same way.


  • We're introducing swim lanes for stories to help distinguish between development state (None->In Progress->Done) and our QA people (None->Ready for QA->In QA->Done QA); this limitation came up in our testing -- can workaround it by manually setting our custom QA Status field, but drag-n-drop would be faster.

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  • Thank you all for your valuable input. I am happy to announce that this feature has been implemented.

    Work items can now be dragged between swim lanes on both Storyboards and Epicboards (aka Portfolio Kanban). Please note that there are some cases where this is not possible, due to the Storyboard configuration. For example, if the Storyboard is grouped into swim lanes by "Story Type", no defect can be dragged into a swim lane with a valid Story Type, as this attribute doesn't apply to defects.

    Please check it out and keep the good ideas coming.